Discover How Hypnotherapy Will Work For Your Issue:

  • Childhood trauma can leave lasting emotional scars that impact various aspects of life well into adulthood. Fortunately, the transformative power of hypnotherapy offers a path to healing and restoration. By delving into the subconscious mind, hypnotherapy provides a safe and effective way to address and resolve the deep-seated wounds of the past.

    In hypnosis, you will have an opportunity to explore and reframe past experiences, fostering a sense of safety and control that may have been absent during the traumatic event. By carefully navigating what your subconscious mind shows us, you will experience a release of the emotional charge attached to these memories and replace negative thought patterns with healthier ones. This process doesn't erase the memory, but it will change the way it is experienced and remembered, empowering you to regain a sense of agency over your life.

  • In our fast-paced world, stress and anxiety have become a part of our daily existence, taking a toll on both mental and physical health. Racing thoughts, a heightened sense of unease, and physical tension are just a few of the symptoms that can arise. Left unchecked, these feelings can lead to more serious issues, affecting sleep, relationships, and overall well being. Hypnotherapy utilizes gentle and effective techniques offering a refuge from the storm of stress, providing a path to relaxation and cultivating balance and tranquility. These tools also help rewire the mind, replacing self-defeating thoughts with empowering beliefs. You will learn to unleash yourself from the grip of anxiety and stress, and maintain a balanced perspective even in the face of challenges. By the end of your first session, you will leave with a newfound sense of calm and control.

  • Struggles with food, weight, and body image can stem from a wide array of sources—cultural pressures, past experiences, and harsh self judgements. These issues often manifest as emotional eating, restrictive diets, and a constant sense of dissatisfaction with our bodies. The resulting emotional toll can lead to a cycle of frustration, guilt, and low self-esteem.

    Hypnotherapy provides a unique opportunity to untangle the intricate knots of negative emotions and beliefs that underpin food and body-related concerns. By tapping into the subconscious mind, hypnotherapy facilitates deep exploration of the root causes of these challenges. This process paves the way for emotional healing and the cultivation of healthier relationships with food, body, and self.

    While hypnotherapy doesn’t promise a “quick fix,” it does lays the foundation for sustainable change by addressing the underlying psychological and emotional factors. Through hypnosis, your focus will shift from external pressures to your own authentic desires and needs, allowing you to develop a more balanced relationship with food and a healthier body image. This shift goes above and beyond fad diets and trendy weight-loss tips, leading to long-lasting transformation.

  • Grief and loss are universal human experiences, yet each person's journey is uniquely shaped by their relationship with their loved one(s) and the emotions they carry. Feelings of sadness, anger, guilt, and even numbness can become intertwined, making it challenging to navigate daily life. Grief can also manifest physically, affecting sleep, appetite, and overall well-being.

    Hypnotherapy offers tools to rebuild inner resilience in the face of grief. Part of that means creating a new narrative—one that acknowledges the pain of loss by honoring the memories, yet finding a way forward. This process will help you to gradually integrate your grief into your story, without giving up on life itself.

    Choosing hypnotherapy to address grief and loss is a step toward honoring the healing journey. It acknowledges that healing is not about forgetting, but about finding a way to carry the memory of the those you’ve lost while reclaiming your own life. As you tap into your inner resources, you will cultivate a sense of resilience and a renewed appreciation for the beauty of life, despite the storms.

  • Low self-esteem and a lack of confidence can cast shadows on every aspect of life, hindering personal growth and preventing you from reaching your full potential.

    By entering a state of deep relaxation and heightened focus (the essence of hypnosis), you’ll be able to access the core beliefs that shape your negative self-perceptions. This exploration is the foundation for positive change because you will rewire these beliefs into ones that foster increased feelings of self-worth and boosted confidence.

    Choosing hypnotherapy as a path to addressing low self-esteem and confidence is an act of self-compassion and courage. As you confront and release the negative beliefs that have held you back, you’ll create space for self-acceptance and self-love.

  • Relationship distress can manifest in various forms, from communication breakdowns and unresolved conflicts to intimacy issues and emotional distance. These challenges can erode the foundation of even the strongest bonds, leaving you feeling disconnected, hurt, and unsure about the future of your relationship. Perhaps you’ve even gone through a recent break up or divorce, and you’re left struggling to pick up the pieces.

    Hypnotherapy offers a unique vantage point from which you will examine and explore your own emotions, motivations, and triggers, unveiling the underlying dynamics that contribute to the turmoil.

    This powerful process will allow you to transform heartbreak and distress into an opportunity for deeper intimacy and harmony with yourself and others.

  • Life is a series of transitions, each marked by its unique challenges and opportunities. When facing significant changes such as career shifts, relocations, divorce, retirement, or other life milestones, it’s only natural to feel some levels of stress, anxiety, worry, insecurity or uncertainty. You may even feel lost, or as if you have no clue what your purpose is, or which direction you’re supposed to go in life.

    Transitions often require stepping into the unknown, and this can be daunting. Hypnotherapy offers you a roadmap for building self-awareness, emotional resilience, and adaptability. After your hypnotherapy journey, you will emerge equipped to create a fulfilling narrative for the next chapter of your life.

  • Sleep issues can stem from a variety of factors, including stress, anxiety, irregular routines, or persistent thoughts that linger at bedtime.

    Hypnotherapy provides a path towards rewiring the subconscious mind, which plays a vital role in regulating sleep patterns. Through deep relaxation and focused attention, you will access the root causes of sleep disturbances and identify the triggers that keep you awake. You will also receive tools and recordings to utilize outside of sessions to assist you in experiencing restful and rejuvenating sleep.

  • Sexual trauma can leave survivors grappling with feelings of shame, guilt, anxiety, and even dissociation. The wounds can affect self-esteem, relationships, and overall quality of life. The journey to healing requires addressing not only the physical violation but also the emotional aftermath that often persists long after the event.

    Hypnotherapy offers a gentle approach to processing and healing from this. In hypnosis, you will enter into a state of deep relaxation and heightened focus, where you will access your subconscious mind, where traumatic memories and associated emotions reside. In a safe space of either my office for in-person sessions, or the comfort of your own home for virtual sessions, you’ll be guided and supported as you confront your experiences, process suppressed emotions, and reframe negative self-perceptions.

    With each session you’ll take a step towards regaining control, shedding the weight of trauma, and embracing a future that is no longer defined by what happened to you.

    Hypnotherapy offers a path from survivor to “thriver,” helping you transform pain into a catalyst for growth. Through self-discovery, emotional release, and positive reprogramming, you will be able to rewrite your narrative and reclaim your life.

  • The journey towards parenthood can be both exhilarating and riddled with uncertainties. Fertility concerns and pregnancy anxiety can feel like a dark cloud hanging over you during what should be a joyful and exciting time. If you’ve been told you have “unexplained infertility,” or your trying to conceive journey just isn’t going as you envisioned it, it may be time for a different approach.

    Hypnotherapy sessions encompass a range of tools and techniques to help prepare your mind and spirit for conception. You will be able to release any fears and anxieties (both conscious and unconscious) around your ability to be pregnant, timelines, or any other concerns related to fertility and pregnancy. As your subconscious mind is reprogrammed, you will embrace genuine belief in your body's capacity for conception.

    Pregnancy after experiencing a loss comes with it’s own unique challenges and almost always causes anxiety and worry to be tenfold. Constantly checking signs from your body, Google, and online forums to reassure yourself that nothing bad has happened can wreak havoc on your mind and spirit. Despite the heartache of your loss experience though, you deserve to be able to reclaim your pregnancy bliss and trust in this pregnancy’s unique process and divine path. I have created a signature program to help support you in these areas.

1:1 Hypnotherapy Sessions

The Soloist

The session will last 90 minutes and includes an intake, which will allow me to better understand what you’re struggling with, and the changes you’d like to see. You will leave with a customized 20-25 minute hypnosis recording to maximize results while at home. Should you wish to continue working with me, the amount paid for this session will automatically be applied to the package of your choosing.


Lasting and effective positive changes can be achieved in three sessions. This package includes three, biweekly hypnotherapy sessions lasting 90 minutes, a customized recording to compound results, and is great for someone who has one very specific issue they’d like to work through.

Hypnotic Journey

This package includes five, biweekly sessions lasting up to two hours. This package is best for someone who has more than just one issue to tackle. It is also perfect for you if you’re curious and interested in doing a past life regression session (optional).

“Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.”

– Carl Jung